Savoir Vivre
Le Châtelard, an institution which specializes in formation of human values for today’s young woman,invites women to participate in a cultural experience, an experience of personal enrichment and renewal, designed especially for them.
The class of Savoir Vivre, the art of living, is a trademark of Le Chatelard. Who am I, whom do I want to become and how do I achieve it… are questions that permeate the whole class and environment of the school.
This class covers five aspects from external to internal and viceversa. Image is powerful but image is superficial, the class contains topics of etiquette, courtesy, good taste among others… as well aspects as human anthropology, mindfulness, good use of social media, emotional intelligence and self esteem among others.
As a consequence of this class, subjects that are covered in class are seen in a personal approach with each of the students … what is called “mentoring”. They do a variety of exercises and techniques to develop their own character formation and their whole person.